Portal Fantasy

Review Shorts: Wayward Children Stories

I am a big fan of the Wayward Children series. My only problem is that the series is still ongoing, so I have to wait for the next book to be published before I can read more. So imagine my delight to discover that not only are there three Wayward Children short stories, they’re all available to read for free on Tor.com! Here’s some mini-reviews of the three of them – plus links to where you can read them for yourself.

In Mercy, Rain (Wayward Children #2.5) by Seanan McGuire

Cover of the book, featuring a silhouette of a girl with glasses and hair in a braid formed by storm clouds and lightning; a second girl with blond hair and a full skirt falls through the empty space that form sthe silhouette.

See it on The StoryGraph here

Read it on Tor.com here

Jack seems to get an inordinate amount of time in the Wayward Children series, but I really don’t mind because she and her world of the Moors are great. This story is very short and incredibly atmospheric, and really reminds me of the early books in the series (which, since it’s meant to be set just after book two, makes perfect sense). It feels like a single scene of how Jack met her girlfriend Alexis that Seanan just couldn’t make fit in Down Among the Sticks and Bones but that she liked and thought was important, so she added some context and rich descriptions to the beginning and called it a short story. And personally, I think it worked very well. The Moors are fascinating anyway, and this reveals some details (or just reminded me of details that I forgot) and provides some more characterization for Jack’s mad-scientist mentor. It’s a fast, dark, and wonderful read and I enjoyed it very much.

Trigger Warnings: Death, child death, mental illness, body horror, romantic partner death (mentions), emotional neglect

Juice Like Wounds (Wayward Children #4.5) by Seanan McGuire

Cover of the story, featuring the silhouette of three children among leafless trees - behind the trees lines like artistic gusts of wind render hte shape of a giant wasp.

See it on The StoryGraph here

Read it on Tor.com here

In my review of In an Absent Dream, I complained that the book was too short because one of Lundy’s friends straight-up died and you only find that out in dialogue after the fact. I guess Seanan McGuire heard my complaints, because this is the story of the great quest that lead to that death. As anticipated, it was wrenchingly sad, although I think it would have had even more impact if I’d read it directly after In an Absent Dream. It was also very lyrical and heavy on the feelings of being a child – specifically the invincibility and belief that nothing truly bad is going to happen to you – but significantly less atmospheric than I expected. Which is a disappointment, because I love the goblin market that Lundy goes to and I wanted to spend more time there. But this is a short story, not a full book, and for what it is it really works. Fantastical and heartwrenching, as every Wayward Children story tends to be.

Trigger Warnings: Injury, death, child death, blood, body horror (mild)

Skeleton Song (A Wayward Children Story) by Seanan McGuire

Cover of the story, featuring a brilliantly white skelleton in the process of dissolving - the fractured bones are winding around a boy who is looking up at the skeleton and holding another bone in his hand.

See it on The StoryGraph here

Read it on Tor.com here

Christopher has been in several of the Wayward Children books so far, mainly the ones set at Eleanor West’s actual school, but he’s never been a major character. I mentioned in my review of Come Tumbling Down that I wouldn’t mind if he got his own book. But he got his own short story and honestly that’s good enough. His adventure in Mariposa, the world of music and dancing skeletons, is very straightforward and follows the pattern of the other stories set in the magical worlds – though it was light on how and why he came through the door in the first place and focused more on what he found there and how he fell back out. Every wayward child’s world is a place that connects to their struggle in our world, but Christopher having an illness heavily implied to be terminal and walking through a door into a world where death is not only not to be feared, but is a beginning of something better beyond the bounds of flesh, is the most obvious one so far. This is like a shortened and condensed version of a full Wayward Children book and I think it could have easily been made longer, but it also works as a short story. And if you’re missing your Wayward Children fix, it’s definitely worth reading.

Trigger Warnings: Death, body horror (mild), terminal illness (mentions)

The Wayward Children series:

  1. Every Heart a Doorway
  2. Down Among the Sticks and Bones
  3. Beneath the Sugar Sky
  4. In an Absent Dream
  5. Come Tumbling Down
  6. Across the Green Grass Fields
  7. Where the Drowned Girls Go
  8. Lost in the Moment and Found
Portal Fantasy

Review: Lost in the Moment and Found

Cover of the book, featuring a wooden door in a shop full of junk. The door is half open and shows a jungle beyond.

Title: Lost in the Moment and Found

Series: Wayward Children #8

Author: Seanan McGuire

Genre: Portal Fantasy

Trigger Warnings: Parent death, gaslighting, threatened child abuse, threatened child sexual abuse, pregnancy (mentions)

Spoiler Warning: This book is eighth in a series, but it is essentially a stand-alone adventure and neither the book nor this review contain spoilers of previous books.

Back Cover:

Welcome to the Shop Where the Lost Things Go.

If you ever lost a sock, you’ll find it here. If you ever wondered about favorite toy from childhood… it’s probably sitting on a shelf in the back. And the headphones that you swore that this time you’d keep safe? You guessed it….

Antoinette has lost her father. Metaphorically. He’s not in the shop, and she’ll never see him again. But when Antsy finds herself lost (literally, this time), she finds that however many doors open for her, leaving the Shop for good might not be as simple as it sounds.

And stepping through those doors exacts a price.

Lost in the Moment and Found tells us that childhood and innocence, once lost, can never be found.


The Wayward Children books are fundamentally not happy stories – despite the magic and often whimsy of the magical adventures, the stories are underscored by trauma. As the series goes on, it seems to lean even further into those underlying traumatic aspects. Where the Drowned Girls Go explored the trauma of getting spit back into a world where there is no place left for them, and Lost in the Moment and Found explores the other traumas – the things that made them go through the doors in the first place and the things that happen to them on the other side.

One of the most remarkable things about previous books in the series was how remarkably relatable they were. Lost in the Moment and Found was not to that level of extreme relatability. I think some of that might be me, though, as most of Antsy’s experiences in this book are just not ones I share. If you have experienced similar things, she’ll probably be more relatable. I did feel like Seanan McGuire nailed the experience of being a child as usual, but I didn’t find it quite as immersive this time around.

Unlike earlier books in the series, this book spends much more time on the trauma than on the cool magical worlds. (And as fun as I think it would be to explore the Shop Where the Lost Things Go, it’s not nearly as fun to read about.) It’s sad, poignant, and heartbreaking, and about the literal and metaphorical loss of childhood to trauma as well as brief meditations on the nature of loss and being lost in the first place. There also are some interesting details about how and why the doors actually work, which was quite interesting.

I should have suspected that this is the direction the series would end up heading after Where the Drowned Girls Go, but I guess I still think of the series as mostly dark whimsy like the earlier books. Lost in the Moment and Found isn’t bad at all. It’s just significantly more intense and down to earth than I was expecting. It’s dark and sad and definitely not my favorite Wayward Children book just for lack of that intense relatability that many of the others have, but it was absolutely good and wroth reading regardless.

The Wayward Children series:

Wayward Children short stores

  1. Every Heart a Doorway
  2. Down Among the Sticks and Bones
  3. Beneath the Sugar Sky
  4. In an Absent Dream
  5. Come Tumbling Down
  6. Across the Green Grass Fields
  7. Where the Drowned Girls Go
  8. Lost in the Moment and Found
Portal Fantasy

Review: Where the Drowned Girls Go

Cover of the book, featuring a wooden door sitting on top of a stormy sea.

Title: Where the Drowned Girls Go

Series: Wayward Children #7

Author: Seanan McGuire

Genre: Portal Fantasy

Trigger Warnings: Body horror (mild), trauma, anxiety attacks, child abuse, injury details (brief), blood (brief), fatphobia, body shaming, bullying, suicide attempt, forced institutionalization, eating disorder (mentions)

Spoiler Warning: This book is seventh in a series, and both it and this review contain spoilers of previous books.

Back Cover:

“Welcome to the Whitethorn Institute. The first step is always admitting you need help, and you’ve already taken that step by requesting a transfer into our company.”

There is another school for children who fall through doors and fall back out again. It isn’t as friendly as Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children.

And it isn’t as safe.

When Eleanor West decided to open her school, her sanctuary, her “Home for Wayward Children,” she knew from the beginning that there would be children she couldn’t save; when Cora decides she needs a different direction, a different fate, a different prophecy, Miss West reluctantly agrees to transfer her to the other school, where things are run very differently by Whitethorn, the Headmaster.

She will soon discover that not all doors are welcoming…


This book is Cora’s book. Cora was in Beneath the Sugar Sky and Come Tumbling Down, but she hasn’t had her own story yet. This one is hers.

But it’s quite a bit different from the previous books. It’s not about her adventures on the other side of her door and how she was spit back out into our world against her wishes, or about her adventures at Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children, but rather her attempts to escape from the trauma that those things gave her. It also introduces the Whitethorn Institute, which is an alternate school to Eleanor West’s, and it’s not nearly as nice.

It turns out, though, than many of the worlds the door lead to are not as nice as the ones our previous protagonists have gone to (if places like the Moors can even be called “nice” – though some mentioned here are worse). The theme of trauma after the magical adventure runs throughout all the Wayward Children books, but it’s especially strong here. No doors are passed through in this book besides the ordinary type, and Cora has to reckon with what happened the last time she went through one.

I found Cora mildly dislikeable in Come Tumbling Down, but she was very relatable and lovable in this one. I absolutely relate to her frustrations with being fat and other people’s insistence that she chose to be that way and therefore she is lazy/disgusting/morally reprehensible, developing an eating disorder over it and still not losing enough weight to be considered “not fat,” and her attempting to hunch down and be smaller because she feels like she takes up too much space. It’s only mentioned as backstory in a couple spots, but it was so completely relatable. Her attempts to escape from the symptoms of her trauma even if people around her think her solution will also be bad for her was also relatable. Basically if you’re fat and/or traumatized, you’ll probably relate to her.

The Whitethorn Institute was also interesting, and the complete opposite of Eleanor West’s school. There were interesting characters there (including Regan from Across the Green Grass Fields), several twists about what’s actually going on here, trying to fix traumatized kids by traumatizing them in different ways, and a fascinating look at the more cruel, uncaring side of the doorways and the people that come back through them. It was very dark, it was full of trauma, but it was fascinating.

The Wayward Children books are always so good. I can’t say this one is perfect, mainly because I think Cora’s trauma was managed a little too fast to be believable, but it’s an enjoyable story in a fascinating world (or rather, a world populated with people who have been to and returned from fascinating worlds). Since this book just came out, I have no idea when they next one will be released or who it will be about (if you’re reading this, Seanan, Kade needs his own book!), but I absolutely want to read it when it is.

The Wayward Children series:

Wayward Children short stores

  1. Every Heart a Doorway
  2. Down Among the Sticks and Bones
  3. Beneath the Sugar Sky
  4. In an Absent Dream
  5. Come Tumbling Down
  6. Across the Green Grass Fields
  7. Where the Drowned Girls Go
  8. Lost in the Moment and Found
Portal Fantasy, Young Adult

Review: Across the Green Grass Fields

Cover of "Across the Green Grass Fields," featuring the title in white text on an image of an ancient tree in a green field.

Title: Across the Green Grass Fields

Series: Wayward Children #6

Author: Seanan McGuire

Genre: Portal Fantasy

Trigger Warnings: Bullying, toxic friendships, death of animals, mild gore, blood, kidnapping, racism but in an allegorical way

Spoiler Warning: Even though this book is sixth in a series, it contains no spoilers of the previous books, and this review contains no spoilers either.

Back Cover:

“Welcome to the Hooflands. We’re happy to have you, even if you being here means something’s coming.”

Regan loves, and is loved, though her school-friend situation has become complicated, of late.

When she suddenly finds herself thrust through a doorway that asks her to “Be Sure” before swallowing her whole, Regan must learn to live in a world filled with centaurs, kelpies, and other magical equines―a world that expects its human visitors to step up and be heroes.

But after embracing her time with the herd, Regan discovers that not all forms of heroism are equal, and not all quests are as they seem…


I want to know what witch, demon, deity, or other supernatural being Seanan McGuire sold her soul to in order to make her writing this relatable, but I swear each Wayward Children book is more relatable than the last. This one is a standalone, with the same concept of children falling through doors to other worlds but none of the reoccurring characters from the previous books, but I enjoyed it just as it was.

If you’re familiar with the idea behind Wayward Children, every kid has some reason that they “need” to go through a door. Regan is having trouble with feeling like she doesn’t fit in and a friend group that’s not exactly healthy. When she reveals to the girl she thought was her best friend that the reason she hasn’t been going through puberty is that she’s intersex, the resulting fallout brings her to a door in the woods. She ends up in the Hooflands, magical world of centaurs and unicorns and kelpies and fauns and all manner of hooved fantasy creatures, a wonderful place for a horse-obsessed ten-year-old girl to be. There, she finds what she needs – people who love her not in spite of her differences, but because of them, a place where she doesn’t have to worry about being a certain way in order to fit in and be loved.

I say this about every Wayward Children protagonist, but Regan was incredibly relatable. I didn’t go to a school, but I went to homeschool group where I had a friend who, like Regan’s “best friend,” I let isolate me from other people I could have been friends with so I could stay friends with her. I always felt like I wasn’t normal, like I didn’t fit, like people needed me to be something else or someone else in order to like me. I completely related to Regan’s feeling of being alone and lonely despite having peple around her who ostensibly loved her. And I loved horses as a kid, too – perhaps if I’d gone through a magical door, I would also have ended up in the Hooflands.

Also, this book has some great insights. It wrestles with the question of “how do we determine who are people and who aren’t?” throughout the story, and the representation of the way adults and children relate to each other was spot-on and incredibly insightful. Seanan McGuire captures the child’s perspective on things so well, it’s stunning.

One thing that you have to remember about Wayward Children books is that, fundamentally, these are not happy stories. These magic worlds give the children what they need, but then they spit the children back out into our world and expect them live in normalcy after experiencing magic. These are books about what happens after you have your adventure and return home to find you no longer fit into the place you left and there’s not a spot for you now. This book ripped my heart out. It was so, so good. I adore this series.

The Wayward Children series:

Wayward Children short stores

  1. Every Heart a Doorway
  2. Down Among the Sticks and Bones
  3. Beneath the Sugar Sky
  4. In an Absent Dream
  5. Come Tumbling Down
  6. Across the Green Grass Fields
  7. Where the Drowned Girls Go
  8. Lost in the Moment and Found
Portal Fantasy, Young Adult

Review: Come Tumbling Down

Cover of "Come Tumbling Down," featuring a wooden door in an empty field surrounded by a bolt of lightning.

Title: Come Tumbling Down

Series: Wayward Children #5

Author: Seanan McGuire

Genre: Portal Fantasy

Trigger Warnings: Blood, death, gore, vomit, drowning (mention), falling, being stuck by lightning

Spoiler Warning: This book is fifth in a series and this review does contain spoilers of previous books.

Back Cover:

When Jack left Eleanor West’s School for Wayward Children she was carrying the body of her deliciously deranged sister–whom she had recently murdered in a fit of righteous justice–back to their home on the Moors.

But death in their adopted world isn’t always as permanent as it is here, and when Jack is herself carried back into the school, it becomes clear that something has happened to her. Something terrible. Something of which only the maddest of scientists could conceive. Something only her friends are equipped to help her overcome.

Eleanor West’s “No Quests” rule is about to be broken.



This is the third book to have Jack and Jill as characters and the second one to take us to the Moors, the world Jack and Jill ended up in. This time, Jack comes back to Eleanor West’s school to ask for help after Jill steals her body and threatens to destroy the entire world of the Moors.

All the characters here are ones we’ve seen before – Kade and Christopher, who were part of the orignal group from Every Heart a Doorway; Cora, who we met in Beneath the Sugar Sky; Jack, obviously; and Alexis, Jack’s girlfriend, who we met in Down Among the Sticks and Bones. As this book is super short, there’s not a lot of character development, but here’s some brief thoughts:

  • Kade: A good character, and I wish he got more page time. Definitely deserves his own book.
  • Christopher: Also good. I like him a lot and would not object if he got his own book, too.
  • Cora: Surprisingly unlikeable in this book. Played off as weak, and came across as very hostile when meeting Jack and Alexis, which made me like her less since I really like Jack.
  • Jack: A great character. One of the best in the series, I think. A mad scientist with OCD but so in love with Alexis, even if her way of showing affection is different from “normal.”
  • Alexis: A minor character, but a good fit for Jack in the romance department. No strong feelings about her.

For the plot on the back cover being “help Jack fix what went wrong in the Moors,” that takes a surprisingly short time. A full 50% of the book is actually at the school, where Jack explains exactly what happens. Once they get to the Moors, there’s some mad science and emotions and gathering allies, and only the last scene really involves actually setting it right. I didn’t actually mind that much, though, because there were actually some good emotional moments and I also got to see some different areas of the Moors, which was cool.

This book is several degrees darker and bloodier than the previous installments. Even the mood is a lot darker, a lot of it because of how close Jack is to losing her grip on sanity. But it was still really good. I’ve heard rumors that there will be more books in this series, and I hope so! There’s so many more of Eleanor West’s students that deserve their own stories. (*cough*Kade*cough*)

The Wayward Children series:

Wayward Children short stores

  1. Every Heart a Doorway
  2. Down Among the Sticks and Bones
  3. Beneath the Sugar Sky
  4. In an Absent Dream
  5. Come Tumbling Down
  6. Across the Green Grass Fields
  7. Where the Drowned Girls Go
  8. Lost in the Moment and Found
Portal Fantasy, Young Adult

Review: In an Absent Dream

Cover of "In an Absent Dream," featuring a large, sprawling tree with a door in its trunk.

Title: In an Absent Dream

Series: Wayward Children #4

Author: Seanan McGuire

Genre: Portal Fantasy

Trigger Warnings: Death mentions, mild body horror (humans transforming into birds), mention of periods

Spoiler Warning: Even though this book is fourth in a series, this story takes place before the events of the first book and there are no spoilers in this review!

Back Cover:

This fourth entry and prequel tells the story of Lundy, a very serious young girl who would rather study and dream than become a respectable housewife and live up to the expectations of the world around her. As well she should.

When she finds a doorway to a world founded on logic and reason, riddles and lies, she thinks she’s found her paradise. Alas, everything costs at the goblin market, and when her time there is drawing to a close, she makes the kind of bargain that never plays out well.


Seanan McGuire wrote this series to be specifically relatable to me, personally, I swear. I know I talked about how Jack and Jill’s childhood in Down Among the Sticks and Bones was relatable, but Lundy – just the character of Lundy herself – is basically me.

Lundy didn’t have any friends because her father was the principal of her school (I didn’t have a lot of friends because my mother was in charge of everything I was involved in). Lundy preferred fiction to reality and always had her nose in a book (so did I). Lundy was a stickler for rules because rules made sense and they made the world safer (same). If Seanan had wanted to put a representation of me before age 18 into a book, she couldn’t have done much better of a job. So naturally I felt very invested in Lundy and her adventures.

The Goblin Market that Lundy gets sent to is a fantastic world. It has strict rules about exchanging “fair value” in every exchange, and if you don’t give fair value in a trade you take on Debt, which is … very bad. It can be a bit confusing at first, especially with the Archivist character mostly info-dumping things onto Lundy, but for the most part you figure it out along with Lundy. It’s an amazing and creative place to explore.

My main problem with the book is that it’s short and it skips over so many things that could have been interesting to read about. For example, on Lundy’s first foray into the Goblin Market, she and her friends do battle with a giant wasp queen and one of her friends dies – but you learn about all of this in dialogue after the fact and don’t get to see any of that adventure. This book skips over entire years full of adventures in a matter of paragraphs and it could have been so much longer.

This was a good book. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and even though I knew roughly how it ended (thanks to having read Every Heart a Doorway), it was still sad. I have no idea who the fifth book is going to be about, but this entire series has been great and I’m excited to continue it.

The Wayward Children series:

Wayward Children short stores

  1. Every Heart a Doorway
  2. Down Among the Sticks and Bones
  3. Beneath the Sugar Sky
  4. In an Absent Dream
  5. Come Tumbling Down
  6. Across the Green Grass Fields
  7. Where the Drowned Girls Go
  8. Lost in the Moment and Found
Portal Fantasy, Young Adult

Review: Beneath the Sugar Sky

Cover of "Beneath the Sugar Sky," featuring a door opening up in a pink and blue sky.

Title: Beneath the Sugar Sky

Series: Wayward Children #3

Author: Seanan McGuire

Genre: Portal Fantasy

Trigger Warnings: Death, skeletons, mild body horror, drowning, blood mention

Spoiler Warning: This book is third in a series, so this review has spoilers of the first book, Every Heart a Doorway. (There are no spoilers of the second book, Down Among the Sticks and Bones). If spoilers matter to you, proceed with caution.

Back Cover:

When Rini lands with a literal splash in the pond behind Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children, the last thing she expects to find is that her mother, Sumi, died years before Rini was even conceived. But Rini can’t let Reality get in the way of her quest – not when she has an entire world to save! (Much more common than one would suppose.)

If she can’t find a way to restore her mother, Rini will have more than a world to save: she will never have been born in the first place. And in a world without magic, she doesn’t have long before Reality notices her existence and washes her away. Good thing the student body is well-acquainted with quests…

A tale of friendship, baking, and derring-do.


This story is set after the events of the first book, Every Heart a Doorway, and it brings back several of the characters from that – namely Christopher and Kade, although Nancy does make a small appearance. The main character is a new one, though: Cora, a fat girl who went to an underwater world and was a mermaid before accidentally ending up back in our world. I say Cora is the main character since she’s the one whose thoughts we get to hear, but really everybody in the adventuring group plays roughly equal parts.

The adventuring group consists of Kade and Christopher, who we met in Every Heart a Doorway; Nadya, who must have been in Every Heart a Doorway but who I’d completely forgotten about; Rini, who we’ve never met, daughter of Sumi, who we have; and Cora, who’s competely new. It’s a short book so there’s not a lot of space for character development, but you still get a fair bit from Cora – mainly her feelings about her fatness from being bullied about it, which was relatable to me as a fat person.

The story leads the group through several worlds, including Nancy’s Underworld (where we briefly get to see her again) and Confection, the world Sumi/Rini came from, which is … wild. It is, after all, a nonsense world. I don’t want to spoil the fun of finding out about it, but I really liked that we actually get the origin story for Confection and how it became the way it is.

The whole plot is the group trying to track down the different pieces of Sumi, who was murdered in the first book, so they can bring her back to life so she can save Confection from a tyrant and also get married and have Rini. I never lost interest in the book, but the stakes never seem really high – the only real consequence of failure is that Rini would disappear. Despite the fact that they are trying to literally put a dead girl back together, this book is a lot more light and fun than the other ones. Less gore, less death, and a lot of baked goods.

I think I liked the previous two books better, but I still thoroughly enjoyed this one and definitely intend to finish the series.

The Wayward Children series:

Wayward Children short stores

  1. Every Heart a Doorway
  2. Down Among the Sticks and Bones
  3. Beneath the Sugar Sky
  4. In an Absent Dream
  5. Come Tumbling Down
  6. Across the Green Grass Fields
  7. Where the Drowned Girls Go
  8. Lost in the Moment and Found
Portal Fantasy, Young Adult

Review: Down Among the Sticks and Bones

Cover of "Down Among the Sticks and Bones," which shows a bleak, gray landscape with a single dead tree.

Title: Down Among the Sticks and Bones

Series: Wayward Children #2

Author: Seanan McGuire

Genre: Portal Fantasy

Trigger Warnings: Death, blood, menstruation

Spoiler Warning: This book is second in a series, but this review actually doesn’t have any spoilers of the first book, Every Heart a Doorway.

Back Cover:

Twin sisters Jack and Jill were seventeen when they found their way home and were packed off to Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children.

This is the story of what happened first…

Jacqueline was her mother’s perfect daughter—polite and quiet, always dressed as a princess. If her mother was sometimes a little strict, it’s because crafting the perfect daughter takes discipline.

Jillian was her father’s perfect daughter—adventurous, thrill-seeking, and a bit of a tom-boy. He really would have preferred a son, but you work with what you’ve got.

They were five when they learned that grown-ups can’t be trusted.

They were twelve when they walked down the impossible staircase and discovered that the pretense of love can never be enough to prepare you a life filled with magic in a land filled with mad scientists and death and choices.


Despite being the second book in the series, Down Among the Sticks and Bones takes place before the events of Every Heart a Doorway. It tells the story of Jack and Jill, two characters from the first book, and how they ended up in their magical world and also how they ended up leaving it.

The first part of this book goes over the two girls’ childhood and how they ended up having the right energy/desires/needs/whatever to summon a doorway to the horror world that is the Moors. And it was so completely relatable. The narration is insightful, and it was heartwrenchingly familiar watching these girls grow up with parents who didn’t care about them as individuals, but just wanted them to fit into the roles they (the parents) had decided on for them. I’ve often felt that my parents don’t love me, they love the version of me they want me to be, and it was so relatable it wasn’t funny.

It’s really hard to talk about any more of this book because so little of it is mentioned in the synopsis that I think too much more would be a spoiler. The girls find the doorway and end up in the Moors, and that’s where they really start to differentiate themselves. The story mostly focuses on Jack, so most of it is watching her grow and change. Which is unfortunate, because I think seeing a little bit more of Jill would explain her change a bit more. But the story is mostly about them growing into two individual people, away from the strict roles imposed by their parents.

It also ties in nicely with Every Heart a Doorway, filling in some details and making the two characters more interesting in retrospect. It’s a thoroughly engaging read. The world is excellent, the characters are solid, and even though I knew what was going to happen from reading the first book, it was interesting anyway. I’m excited for the third book!

The Wayward Children series:

Wayward Children short stores

  1. Every Heart a Doorway
  2. Down Among the Sticks and Bones
  3. Beneath the Sugar Sky
  4. In an Absent Dream
  5. Come Tumbling Down
  6. Across the Green Grass Fields
  7. Where the Drowned Girls Go
  8. Lost in the Moment and Found
Portal Fantasy, Young Adult

Review: Every Heart a Doorway

Cover of "Every Heart a Doorway," featuring a glowing doorframe and door in the middle of a forest.

Title: Every Heart a Doorway

Series: Wayward Children #1

Author: Seanan McGuire

Genre: Portal Fantasy

Trigger Warnings: Transphobia, blood/gore, death, death of children, body mutliation

Back Cover:

Children have always disappeared under the right conditions; slipping through the shadows under a bed or at the back of a wardrobe, tumbling down rabbit holes and into old wells, and emerging somewhere…else.

But magical lands have little need for used-up miracle children.

Nancy tumbled once, but now she’s back, and enrolled at Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children. Darkness lurks around each corner, and when tragedy strikes, it’s up to Nancy and her new schoolmates to get to the heart of things…no matter what it costs.


This was … weirdly beautiful.

The main character is Nancy, a girl who went through a door in the cellar and ended up in an Underworld, where she learned to be as still as a statue for days on end and the Lord of the Underworld fell in love with her. Sent back to her world to make sure she was “sure,” her parents send her off to Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children, where she meets other children who desire to return to their own fantasical worlds. Then someone starts murdering the children and stealing parts of their bodies.

This book is really short. It’s more of a novella than a novel. But that actually really works for it. The characters are more sketches than fully-fleshed characters, but that was actually okay. I found Nancy super compelling, even without a lot of character development, and the rest of the cast was enjoyable, too. Each of them was a new concept – Nancy who loves monochrome and stillness because of the underworld she went to; Sumi who loved color and ridiculousness because of the nonsense world she went to; Jack and Jill who ended up very different despite going to the same horror-esque world. They were all unique and, while not well-rounded as people, enjoyable as characters.

The whole story was a lot more dark and morbid than I expected. There are several murders and mutliated bodies. This did not bother me, but if it would bother you, be aware of that. Despite the characters who die, though, the story did end on a pretty positive note.

What I loved most about Every Heart a Doorway was the feel of it. Despite the fact that, excepting a few flashbacks, the entire story takes place completely in the real world, where there is no magic whatsoever, it felt magical. Darkly magical at times, sure, but beautiful and fully steeped in magic and desire and something that made it seem amazingly compelling and more than what was on the page.

That’s … really all I have to say about it. Like I said, it was short. But even though I’m pretty sure Nancy isn’t in the rest of the series (unfortunately), I’m excited to read the next book.

The Wayward Children series:

Wayward Children short stores

  1. Every Heart a Doorway
  2. Down Among the Sticks and Bones
  3. Beneath the Sugar Sky
  4. In an Absent Dream
  5. Come Tumbling Down
  6. Across the Green Grass Fields
  7. Where the Drowned Girls Go
  8. Lost in the Moment and Found