Low Fantasy

Review: Eric

Cover of the book, featuring a green-skinned demon in a red suit holding a pitchfork sitting next to a skeletal figure holding a scythe and a large chest with legs that has a wizard clinging to its top.

Title: Eric

Series: Discworld #9

Author: Terry Pratchett

Genre: Low Fantasy

Trigger Warnings: Death, blood, imprisonment (mentions), cosmic horror, sexual innuendos, sexism (mild)

Spoiler Warning: This book is ninth in a series, and though it does connect to the end of Sourcery and so may contain mild spoilers of that book, it has no spoilers of other Discworld books.

Back Cover:

Discworld’s only demonology hacker, Eric, is about to make life very difficult for the rest of Ankh-Morpork’s denizens. This would-be Faust is very bad…at his work, that is. All he wants is to fulfill three little wishes:to live forever, to be master of the universe, and to have a stylin’ hot babe.

But Eric isn’t even good at getting his own way. Instead of a powerful demon, he conjures, well, Rincewind, a wizard whose incompetence is matched only by Eric’s. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, that lovable travel accessory the Luggage has arrived, too. Accompanied by his new best friends, there’s only one thing Eric wishes now — that he’d never been born!


I didn’t intend to start reading the Discworld books out of order. I just had Eric and Guards! Guards! on my phone at the same time and forgot which one came first. But considering I was a little disoriented on where Rincewind when this book picked up, it’s for the best. There are six sub-series within the Discworld series:

  • Rincewind
  • Witches
  • Death
  • Ankh-Morpok City Watch
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Tiffany Aching

All but a couple Discworld books fit under one of those. Considering I read the Tiffany Aching books in order, I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me before to read by sub-series instead of by publication date so I could stick with one character until their story was done. So accidentally picking up Eric before Guards! Guards! was a good thing. So I’m going to continue with the Rincewind books for now.

All that said, Eric was incredibly short. Fourteen-year-old demonologist Eric attempts to summon a demon, and instead summons Rincewind, whose ineptitude is basically a skill in and of itself. He makes three wishes, and he and Rincewind get magicked around seeing the consequences of those wishes. There’s also an antagonist in a demon king who wanted Eric to summon a real demon and not an inept wizard, but the story is too short for him to really do anything.

This book being so short (3.5 hours in audiobook, around 150 pages in print) is both good and bad. Good because Eric is an entitled obnoxious brat and I didn’t want to spend any more time with him than I had to. Bad because Rincewind and his ineptitude and cowardice were fun as always and I really wanted more of the demon society and the demon king and his attempts to modernize hell. Those were honestly the most interesting bits and I wished there were more about them.

Aside from Eric himself, I enjoyed this book quite a bit. It’s got Discworld mythology, interesting cultures, bouncing around through space and time, some fun stuff about demons and the Discworld’s version of hell (which I really hope is in future books), a brief and unexplored theme of ancestry and whether you should tell if you know the future, and Rincewind may not be a very deep character but he’s very entertaining. The next Rincewind book is Interesting Times, and I’m looking forward to it.

The Discworld series:

  1. The Colour of Magic
  2. The Light Fantastic
  3. Equal Rites
  4. Mort
  5. Sourcery
  6. Wyrd Sisters
  7. Pyramids
  8. Guards! Guards!
  9. Eric
  10. Moving Pictures
  11. Reaper Man
  12. Witches Abroad
  13. Small Gods
  14. Lords and Ladies
  15. Men at Arms
  16. Soul Music
  17. Interesting Times
  18. Maskerade
  19. Feet of Clay
  20. Hogfather
  21. Jingo
  22. The Last Continent
  23. Carpe Jugulum
  24. The Fifth Elephant
  25. The Truth
  26. Thief of Time
  27. The Last Hero
  28. The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents
  29. Night Watch
  30. The Wee Free Men
  31. Monstrous Regiment
  32. A Hat Full of Sky
  33. Going Postal
  34. Thud!
  35. Wintersmith
  36. Making Money
  37. Unseen Academicals
  38. I Shall Wear Midnight
  39. Snuff
  40. Raising Steam
  41. The Shepherd’s Crown